
Every year the Christmas season is exploited way beyond the true meaning behind the celebration. Hallmark started airing some Christmas movies in July, with October opening the season on all their stations all day as well as promoting their Hallmark “holiday” products. Retail stores have Christmas decorations and trees up alongside of Halloween costumes starting in September. What does that say about Christmas?

Then, there are those who take pride in slandering Christmas as in questioning its origin and purpose. Where did the Christmas holiday come from? Did the writers of the four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) consider Jesus’ birth to be an event for Christians to celebrate? Historians and the Bible agree that Jesus wasn’t born anywhere near December 25th – which happened to be a pagan religious celebration long before He was born.

Lastly, what does Santa Claus, the North Pole and elves, reindeer and a flying sleigh, have to do with the birth of the Son of God? Perhaps, some pretending to break up the harsh realities of real life and experience, for our children, seemingly a fun story. So much so that Santa dominates all media outlets, becoming a greater focus than the birth of Christ. Santa is a nightmare when families can’t afford elaborate gifts, making innocent boys and girls question if they were good enough.

This misplacement of Christmas has been rooted in the lure of profit since the 1870s, as merchants vigorously promoted it for none of the real reasons. On the up side: Christmas customs encouraged a sense of community and unity at a time when urbanization, industrialization and the memory of the recent Civil War had devastated the people. This idea of creating a nation – an expanding sense of what America meant – became important, and Christmas was part of how the nation came to be.

So, why do we believe and do the things we do? Christmas in July would almost make sense if it featured the real significance of the holiday.

Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Jesus. Although Jesus did not ask us to; He did say things about His remembrance (last supper, holy communion) and lo, He would be with us always. The Gospels account for His virgin birth, angels appearing to shepherds, the star and the Magi traveling from afar to see baby Jesus. Along the way, generations added symbols such as manger scenes, Christmas trees, lights, music and drama (ex. Dickens’ Christmas Carol, 1844) to give Christmas a festive flair. Have we allowed increasing secularization and modern doubt over the Christmas story – with all of its symbols – steal the real reason for the season?

Christmas! It is not simply a remembrance of Jesus, a gathering of family and friends, or a chance to be giving. The meaning of Christmas is greater. It is absolutely amazing that Jesus left Heaven and its glory for our sake, to take on the form of an infant, because of us! Separated from God by sin, Jesus become our sacrificial Lamb (born to die) to reconcile us to God. Jesus overcame for us, as He upheld faith, loved others, and pointed Jews and Gentiles to Father God.

The birth of Jesus holds purpose for us. Let Christmas be something greater for you this year – a time when you remember that your life has purpose because of it. Receiving this “gift” of Christ at Christmas gives meaning to all aspects of your body-mind-spirit creating harmony, so that you can fulfill the roles in life related to your purpose.

Christmas is a forever gift that we get to open every day! December 25th just happens to be the one day that we collectively pause for our life’s rebirth in His birth. Sure, there are mysteries surrounding the coming of Christ. Is this not why we walk by faith and not by sight? Look past the naysayers, the glitches in history, and all of the unrelated issues surrounding Christmas. Look past the pandemic and all of its limitations.

You are blessed with the life you hold. Let’s encourage a sense of community and unity among us, at a time when so many are hurting. Create new traditions this year. You can get a tree or not, shiny decorations or not, mountains of gifts or just one – the reason for the season is the enormous never-ending nature of God’s pure love in the gift of His Son to you and me! It’s a heart thing. Share the truth with your family and friends and especially with your children. Don’t wait too long to dismiss the Santa story.

May the amazing grace of Christmas shine the light of renewal upon your heart and soul. Peace has come.

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