Heart and Soul Day

Join me in celebrating a non-traditional Valentine’s Day: “Heart and Soul” – from the ultimate source of love, created to live within the human heart. This recognition of love isn’t all about flowers, cards, and candy or special dates – it extends beyond material things. Let’s focus on a love that can be celebrated by anyone, anytime, in any place, every day. I’m talking about Love that was born on Christmas Day. A love to combat the chaos and turbulence of the times that we live in. A love that is the promise of eternal life.

This Valentine’s Day message is for someone who is struggling with faith, is low on love, and thinks that God does not exist or care about what is happening to them. If this is not you – please pass it on to someone who needs it.

The Message

God loves you; and He decided that long before you ever came to planet earth, you were worth creating and worth fighting for. It is His desire for you not to be like the wounded walking dead – but to reach for His peace, protection, provision, and purpose for your life. Jesus is the first and last heart-and-soul Valentine. God sent Jesus to take on your sins at the cross, past and future. Why? So that you would not have to feel guilty or have remorse or be obligated to anyone about what you did or didn’t’t do in life. You’ve been forgiven and no longer have a sin nature. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to live inside of you, to save your soul by filling it with the message of the good news in Jesus Christ.

It is your soul that is having difficulty. Your mind, emotions, and free will are making decisions based off of the enemy’s lies instead of the word of God. Your mind, moods, and attitudes were never meant to rule your actions. When you change your mind about who you are, your life will drastically change. This temporary season is all a setup. God is allowing the enemy to force your hand so that when you choose Christ, He will show up suddenly and open the way for you to recover.

Your part is to believe on Him and determine in your mind to let go! Let go of the past hurts and fears, they can’t help you now. Forget about those attitudes that tell you how underprivileged you are because of what you don’t have or because of what happened to you. Who told you that you were supposed to live this way or that way or have this or that anyway? Have you consulted with the One who created it all and has the master plan for your life in His hands? It is His decisions that you need to be concerned about. If God could ever stop loving or helping you (which He cannot); that would be something to fear – yes indeed!

People, places and things around you are not in control. They don’t matter like you think they do. Money is not the solution to your problems, and money is not everything… some things cannot be bought. Father God is not surprised by the situation you are in, and He already has a way out for you. Won’t you take it? Year after year going around the same mountain; aren’t you ready for a new route? There is something wonderful inside of you waiting to come out! Otherwise, you would not be among the living. Meager existence is not God’s best and serves no purpose except to make you fight… fight the good fight through Jesus.

Stop trying to do it all alone. You are not alone. When you realize that none of us can do anything without the Master’s hand, you will be on the way to recovery. Self-pity is a distraction, fear is a lie, lack is meant to destroy, and isolation breaks the spirit. Renewal, recovery, refreshment all begin when you get a new vocabulary that reflects how God sees you and what He has put inside of you.

Get off of the fence! You seek prayer for yourself but then say prayer doesn’t help you. And you are right. Unless you believe the prayers and match them with faith actions, you will remain the same. The Angels that God has round and about you can’t break your dark cloud unless YOU let them. However, even now, they are still fighting in the spirit realm to keep the danger that God knows would totally take you out away from you!

Be thankful that your Heavenly Father does not look at the world to judge you. He looks at your heart, knows your motives and desires. He has given you the righteousness of Jesus so you can make it in this chaotic world. Nothing is too hard or impossible for Him; but you must take steps for Him to work in your life. That doesn’t mean that He will remove every barrier – there is no perfection in life – but it means that He will enable you with a way of escape to endure.

Don’t be afraid to ask for and get help (mentoring, counseling, coaching). Throw the pride and entitlement attitudes out of the window. Fortify your soul with Bible messages, Christian books, fellowship with other Christians and ministries who help people survive to thrive, it’s all in your hands, you’ve got what it takes! Make a lifestyle change-plan, one with objectives that lead you to the goal, measurable small steps that will get you to where you want to be. Break it down, shape it with godly wisdom (scriptures), believe it, and walk it out. Find your happy place, Valentine’s Day 365 days a year!

Peace Out!

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