Will the Real You Stand Up

Most of the time we speak about it being very difficult to find ourselves or to have balance in our — the hectic pace, demands, and noisiness of our modern lifestyles. For now, with everything closed, this is not the problem it was. The issue now is knowing who we are without all of the bells and whistles, or the zillions of ways we zone over who we really are at our core. I know that you may not usually do this, but think about your whole self. Consider where you are at this moment: physically, psychologically (including mentally and emotionally), socially, financially, spiritually, and in your personal relationships with family, friends and career. With this in mind, forget about what you may have temporarily lost and focus on what you have left.
How much love do you have for yourself? Not such a strange question when we consider all of the things, we think are us that are not. Giving attention to the statements below make a list of how you love you.
1. Forgiving yourself for all the mistakes you’ve made in the past.
Stop judging yourself so harshly. You cannot go back in time. It’s done, but you can change how the future looks when you change your mind about you.
2. Letting go of all the harmful thoughts you have about yourself.
Just because you know the good and bad you have done does not make it impossible for you to let go. Learn to respect yourself and only accept that kind of treatment from others.
3. Accepting yourself, flaws and all.
Yes, embrace that frizzy hair, those thunder thighs, your unique shape (fat, thin, tall, short), light or dark skin, whatever. We are all beautiful, so don’t let someone or something else take away how you accept yourself.
4. Giving yourself permission to take care of yourself.
Always putting the needs of others ahead of yourself is dangerous and can be habit-forming. Allow the highest, best thoughts of yourself to permit you to do well for yourself. Don’t feel bad for prioritizing your self-care. Put at least an hour a day into “me time,” and each week, do something for yourself. Make sure that some activities on your to-do list include things that you like.
5. Being who you really are.
Sometimes we get things twisted between being who we are and being who we think others want us to be. If you’ve never spent time discovering your true self and all of your potential, it’s time you did. Knowing you is the only protection against living a false, sad life.

Seek peace within!
The most powerful prayer is not in asking God for a miracle, but to pray for His unfolding safe passage along the journey ahead that only He is fully aware of.

Creating Space for Peace

Somebody said that you have to seek peace on purpose. It doesn’t just fall out on you; it hides and waits for you to come looking. But nobody likes to talk about the cost of peace—the things you may need to give up, or the position you might be in as others who are not like-minded are uncomfortable with you. In place of everything you lose, the cost of peace gives you great things you never knew before. Anybody can say, “Thank you, Jesus,” go to church, and give to the needy. However, the only body that will benefit from peace is the one who takes the limits off trusting God in their everyday life actions. Everybody has the capacity to find peace and to become a peacemaker.
God has individualized channels that He uses for each of us according to our need and abilities. When we rest in Him, release our attachment to negative past issues, load Him up with all of our concerns and stop worrying, the path to “peace that passes all understanding” is paved. Philippians 4:7 (NKJV).
De-Fogging the Way
Recognize that you are stuck in the past by listening to your words. Are you using past tense statements?
Accept what you cannot change while allowing God to change you. When you think that your actions and concerns are not seen by God, say,
But he knows every detail of what is happening to me; and when he has examined me, he will pronounce me completely innocent—as pure as solid gold! Job 23:10 (TLB).
Forgive your offenders and then forgive yourself. Do not forget that all of your seasons in life are in God’s hands, including all of the people who have come into or left your life.
My times are in thy hand: deliver me from the hand of mine enemies, and from them that persecute me. Psalm 31:15 (KJV).
Actively release the pain and hurt of regret, guilt, and grief; sorrow is not good for your soul. Your daily steps are preordered by God, each leading to your highest best in Him.
The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Psalm 37:23 (NLT).
Learn how to turn your past (or present) pain into purpose. My story is a model of this action—one that took many trips around the mountain, into the valleys, and through some rain and muddy water to develop. Your deepest revelations will be found as you are brave enough to face the lessons of your past.
Our purpose is to do what is right, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of others. 2 Corinthians 8:21 (GNT).

Peace shapes itself and rises up as if it doesn’t know the cracks around it.

Excerpt from: “Illusions Against — Knows What Needs Fixing”, Creating Space for Peace, pages 17-18.
​Author Gayle Smith

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