All For One

​​The nature of a pandemic is an unprecedented occurrence! No one is exempt, hardships effect everyone and everywhere. All of the divisions we’ve not long ago lived under have been melted away. Democrats and Republications, the north and south, the east and the west, the haves and the haves not unite under the threat to contain the coronavirus. The major religions of the world: Christianity (31.5%), Islam (23.2%), Hinduism (15.0%),  Buddhism (7.1%), Folk religions (5.9%) Other religions (0.8%), Judaism (0.2%), have had their places of worship closed to their members/friends. Roughly 84% of the world’s population that believe in a God share the same feelings of displacement.

We cannot deny that everyone’s faith is on the line. Separating faith from a physical meeting place and from a religious leader, leaves us all with our core beliefs. Do we know for sure that our God will bring us out? Are we connecting with others over social media to seek support or to communicate sound principles of faith? Is anyone in need of a Savior? Today, we cannot run or hide—the truth is our sole means of freedom and escape.

Believing: A Question of Faith
We live in a time where we can often find ourselves in the company of people with different beliefs than ours, or friends and family who are struggling with their faith. I’ve always tried to help others see the person of Jesus Christ—His undying love for us—and model, with my life and voice, about who He is and why I love Him. Debating with someone over and over about their beliefs never gains any ground, so my approach is to put the Word out and let the Word do the work.

Every religion and denominations of religion “think” they are right when actually it is all a matter of choice. Wars over God and other gods give us plenty of background throughout history, and Biblical records describe how man has tried to do things his way without the wisdom and grace of the “living” God and has failed.

What you and I believe forms the foundation of how we live and relate to life in general. Everyone has to choose what they really believe for themselves—not because it was what their family believed, or what their background taught them. And not sometime in the future—when one knows that time is short and suddenly becomes mindful of heaven and hell.

It is important because we are greatly affected by the principles, morals, and evidence that we hold as truth. Every single day that we live on this earth, we are choosing the destiny for our lives. If you are not comfortable with your beliefs, or don’t think you have any, there is a reason. Your very Spirit is trying to get your attention and needs you to make a move—decide and choose life.

What is Salvation?
Simply put, salvation is a remarkable rescue mission. Biblical salvation is God’s way of providing His people with deliverance from sin and spiritual death through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.

The Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is an unveiling of God’s plan to save man. The rebellion of the first human beings, Adam and Eve, separated them and us—their descendants—from God because of their sin. God’s holiness requires punishment and payment for sin, which is eternal death. God sent His Son, Jesus, the perfect God-man, to offer the pure, complete, and everlasting sacrifice on the cross to remove, atone, and make eternal payment for our sin debt.

God did this out of His unconditional love for us and a desire to have an intimate relationship with us. Accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is not just a thing you do—it is answering the call of God to come to Him (a knowing from deep within). Although the Holy Spirit woos us to come, God allows our will to make the decision to receive salvation and be saved, or not. The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life. Revelation 22:17 NIV
Before any of us takes that step, we have to come to the end of ourselves by admitting that we know we have sinned, want to be saved from eternal death, and believe that Jesus Christ is the way to bring about our own personal resurrection (be born again). Having salvation does not immediately make us experts about God, or in living a Christian life. Gradually, we learn about Godly principles, grow in obedience, develop our spiritual muscles, and especially, spend our time on this earth with everlasting support. We each have a unique experience through salvation…our link to God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It starts with knowing the greatest love of all—an unconditional love (we don’t earn it, it is given freely) without limits.
This carries a tremendous relief, a freedom from carrying the heavy burden of guilt and shame (sin), and the free gift of forgiveness. We can then depend on this new relationship (not religious laws or rituals) to deposit lasting joy and peace within us. Next, like overflowing water, we can experience (learn about and put into action) our true potential and purpose for life. Lastly, in the end, we receive the ultimate eternity with God when this temporary earthly stay is over!
The “Name” of Jesus
Jesus, Mighty God, Wisdom, Deliverer, Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Word of Life, Advocate, Provider, The Great I Am, Helper, Savior, Prince of Peace, Wonderful Counselor, Lamb of God, Lord of Hosts, Root of David, Author and Finisher of our Faith, The Way, Healer, Son of God, The Truth, Chief Cornerstone, King of Kings, Light of the World, Chief Shepard, My Strength and Song, Righteous Judge, Son of Righteousness, Resurrection and Life, The Alpha and Omega.
There is power in the name of Jesus to break the chains of illness, emotional pain, financial lack, loneliness, addictions, or sorrow. Illness—whether in the physical, emotional, or mental realm—is really a spiritual problem. Even the presence of relational, financial, political, and social ills of lack and inequality in our communities and the communities of the world are manifestations of a spiritual problem. Our belief systems and functional plans to address each predicament differ greatly. Just look at the numerous religions around the world! Trying to make God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit fit into a convenient package for man’s understanding is a fallacy of humankind. God does not make sense. We can never fit Him into what we think or know, because He is always much greater!
He blesses people that we’ve determined to be unworthy, He has compassion in situations where we could not forgive, He takes the foolishness—the lack, the leftovers—in people and creates miracles of greatness. When everything else in life has failed us, He is there. For this reason, regardless of the conditions we see or may be experiencing, our lives don’t have to be dragging in defeat and disillusionment. If the world were a perfect place, we wouldn’t need faith and there would be no need for heaven—an eternal resting place of peace.
Moving forward in faith is the greatest part of your “everything changes” mode – a result of your faith and trust in God’s plan for your life. Your eyes of faith can now see the edge, that vantage point of possibilities in moving your actions toward “it”, whatever your “it” is! Your new life projections contain a spiritual coordination that manifest into a unique wellness edge that knows the way to where you want to go.

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