
There is nothing like Christmas, a birthday festival with lights, decorations, the giving of gifts, and hearts warmed with the presence of Jesus Christ! An elite celebration of a wondrously most holy occurrence that only faith could justify. Granted, the birth of Jesus over 2,000 years ago was nothing like how we observe it today – it was a bittersweet journey for His earthly parents. More important for us today is to remove all of the outer fluff about Christmas, so that we show that we know it’s Jesus who is the reason for the season!

Christmas Is A .....

Miracle. The birth of Jesus breaks the darkness of the world. His birth was prophesied by Isaiah 700 years before His appearance. The thought behind His birth by God, the Father, was for Him to die for the sins of the world – and bring peace to those who believe. Think of all the people on earth, counting back generations from Adam and Eve thru today and until the end of time. One birth, one death, one resurrection, one time, the blood covers it all – darkness is defeated.

Mystery. Only God opens insight to His miracle in Christ. Theologians, scholars, self-named prophets, naysayers, and atheists have offered answers and theory about the birth and existence of Jesus. Throughout history, some people believe, while others do not. People of faith just know what they know. Their lives are changed because of this miracle birth. It is God who dwells in the hearts and minds of man, who knows the deeper things about us that we ourselves do not even know! 

Mechanism. From the foundations of the world, creation, the coming of Jesus was a distinctive purposeful plan with defined outcomes. God – knowing the end of things from the beginning – knew He needed a process to save His children from sin. It is here that we can understand why it had to be a miracle birth, with Jesus fully God and fully man. As a man He could become the blood sacrifice to atone sin; as God He could save the soul of man, offering salvation through faith.

Message. A call to action that awakens an authentic life in the arms of Jesus. When we rest in the peace of Christ, we allow God to be BIGGER than any circumstance, challenge, or need. His promises manifest according to His will and His way, over our understanding and desire to get what we “think” is best for us. Our Lord will always be the mystery in a bottle – born in a barn, hung on a tree, conquered death and the grave, and became the Savior of the world. Salvation involves more than just going to heaven when you die. It involves the gift of a new heart and new spirit, freedom from sin (deliverance from death), health, well-being, and healing.

Gifts at Christmas to promote life in Christ:

  • Partake of the things that nourish the soul.
  • Pursue things that have eternal value.
  • Practice daily habits that cooperate with God’s plan to strengthen us.
  • Present ourselves to God without the distractions of our thoughts over His.

Believe – receive – achieve… be the light!

Merry ChristMas

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