New Moves

There’s a Lion Inside of You!

January is a peculiar month. It usually represents emotions and behaviors from high to low, with a middle of mediocrity. Let us not be quick to say that this is a lack of faith problem. I don’t think so. Is it at all possible that we shrink our view of God down to our experience, thus weakening our faith and hope? It seems like right at the point when the burden (work, home, family, finances, loss, grief, business, personal cares, other people’s problems) is heavy, God says go in the strength you have! This go is a step towards His calling or will for your life at this particular time – often something you feel you cannot do.

Facing this new year 2025 requires that we have some new moves under our wings! Our faith needs to rise to God’s greatness based on His last miracle. Miracles should bring us closer to God; we develop history with Him through them. Then that history strengthens our relationship with Him, so we are not looking for miracles – we believe what He said, based on what He did! Whenever burdens, emergencies, or surprises, that ignite anxiety within us come – we must seek His presence in “it.”  This is how we build on God’s past actions to deflate our stress or fear.

There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens. The presence of God is everything; no thing exists without Him. Where we stand with an all-knowing, caring yet powerful God depends on our perspective. He does not promise that every day will be happy, or that the sun will always shine. Sometimes storms come without warning and life gets frustrating. When we are taken by surprise, we must remember, with God, our “it” is not too big for Him. God is waiting for you and me in “it” when we get there.

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The Lord is always bringing us to our future. We cannot get weary in well doing but must take His corrections without defensiveness. We cannot fight the things God is using to feed our future. If 2024 did not bear the fruit you were looking for, consider – hidden doesn’t mean devalued. The greatest opportunities are not always obvious. Don’t let disappointment stop you from a great 2025. Sometimes God gives us what we need over what we think we want.

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Even when it makes sense to let go and stop, do not do it. God does not always move our situations; He illuminates His presence in them. Pray for God to give you sight into your situation. Then, release yourself, do not fret! Take the peace of God (which is perfect well-being, all necessary good, all spiritual prosperity, and freedom from fears and agitating passions and moral conflicts) personally. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promises, as we might understand slowness. Instead, He is patient with us, not wanting anyone to perish.

New move for 2025 begins with us changing our minds! Believe that God sees what we’re going through, He is willing and able to help us, and nothing can catch Him by surprise. If we trust Him, then let us step out of the way – by letting go of things that do not serve us well. When you have difficulty getting out of God’s way, I invite you to take an L,  for security against the worldview.

The “L”

Love – His love shaped all of creation. He first loved us.

Leave – He promised to never leave or forsake us, His children.

Lie – He cannot lie! If one thing that God said was not truth, His creation would fall apart.

Literally – Believe His word, not only as truth, but take it literally. Digest how it felt crossing the parted Red Sea, or how unusual the process when the walls came down in Jericho, etc.

Call on the Name of Jesus

Jehovah Nissi – fights our battles

Jehovah Jirah – meets our needs

Jehovah Rapha – heals our bodies

Jehovah Shalom – He will be our peace

Father, my God,

You are my strength when I feel weak.

You are my celebration when all is well.

You are my wisdom when I feel doubt or confusion.

You are my security when I feel fear.

Lord, while I do not know what ups and downs or ins and outs will occur in this new year 2025 – I know that You are my foundation and You order my steps!

Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

Blessed New Year, Gayle Smith

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