And Then It Was

The whole purpose of our journey in life is to connect with God and fulfill His plan of abundance. It’s good to know that this process is spread over the course of our lifetime – not a one-and-done or quick fix. There are so many ways that help to reveal what is truly in our spirits: prayer, Bible study, meditation, reading Christian literature, retreats, fasting, counseling, even coaching. While none of these actions are the answer in themselves, they can be part of our method to grow in faith, love, hope, and peace.

Coming out on the other side of this pandemic better than when we went in is a hidden blessing that many are unaware of. This time of quiet, getting alone, having to make adjustments and perhaps losing loved ones has pushed us into a new normal, one that we must consult with God on if we intend to resurface again. It’s not a material or social platform, it’s covered in matters of the heart.

The point of contact or manifestation hinges on the one word, phrase, or thought that pierces the heart. It’s un-mistaking the moment when it happens because the understanding overflows like a flood and breaks whatever negative hold from its grip! It’s suddenly there, spelled out in the depth of your heart – your sinful action(s) and His amazing grace! How does one explain grace and why is it amazing? Grace is an action given, not earned, by God. It’s amazing how He covers us with it and continually tracks us down, while we continually run away or hide parts of ourselves from Him.

Is it not ridiculous that we think we can run from God? The Master and Creator of the universe, the One who holds the world in His hands, the great I Am – who breathed life into the body that He formed from clay – knows ALL. Yet, He never fails to give us grace (undeserved favor) and mercy (a pardon from what we deserve). Remember how Jonah ran from the Lord and landed in his own makeshift jail at sea? Somehow, we think just because we cannot see His presence with our eyes, that we can manipulate His omnipotence (all-powerfulness) and omnipresence (everywhere at the same time)! 

Our relationship with Jesus Christ is multifaceted, building upon our level of trust. We know that we cannot save ourselves; we trust the work of Jesus on the cross for our salvation. Then, while our spirit is saved and in union with Christ, our flesh has a sinful nature and must learn to submit to God. So, we trust God for our sanctification (process of healing and cleansing sin). In making the numerous transitions towards allowing the Spirit to lead us along our life’s journey, we must have the ultimate trust: trusting the Savior with our satisfaction. We have to believe that God knows what it takes to make us happy! This means that we don’t look for happiness in people, places, or possessions. We allow Jesus to be our sufficiency, which satisfies our emotions and calms the soul.

Life takes us through hills and valleys, but we are never alone, and the promises of God will prevail. Maybe you feel you’re “on hold” like Joseph was (13 years), or “fenced in” like Job. Maybe you are “waiting” like Abraham for answered prayer (24 years). Perhaps you’re a little anxious like Elijah was, or have fiery darts thrown by the enemy telling you that God won’t keep His Word to you. Hold on my friend, be encouraged – God cannot lie. If He came through for Abraham (father of the major religions of the world), He will come through for you too. Our answers are not based on what we see, how we feel, where we are, how difficult it seems, or how long it’s been. Your answers and mine are based upon who God is and what He has in store for our good and His glory! When His specific word of truth for you hits your heart, that “and then it was” moment will be your greatest reward and treasure.


11 thoughts on “And Then It Was”

  1. Essentials For Change

    I’m honored that you labeled my content unique. Faith can be expressed in millions of ways, depending on the writer and reader. Thank you for visiting, please continue to return again and again.

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